Quote Originally Posted by KnightDisciple View Post
Masaru nods thoughtfully as Soushi explains his abilities.

"Yes, I can see where it would, at least on an instinctual level, put many people off, especially those who don't know you well. It does sound like you have to watch your energy usage, though."

He gives his Vice-Captain a warm smile.

"And you and I both know you're no monster, whatever your bankai happens to do. You're a good man at heart, Soushi. That's what separates you from real monsters."
Buhu... HUAHUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Man, can you BELIEVE this sap?! He's swallowing it all hook, line and sinker! I almost feel bad for the poor bastard.

"Oh yeah, this can be a pain to control. But I do have my ways of replenishing myself in this form. They can be... hard to access sometimes, but they're there.

Thanks for trying to cheer me up, Masaru. But I don't really blame them for thinking that way. A Zanpakutou is a reflection of its owner's innermost thoughts and feelings. Even if you say that, most people are going to look at this and wonder what the hell kind of monster I am inside."

Soushi dismisses his Bankai, returning to normal.

"How pathetic is that? I can't even invite the woman I want out to dinner properly without her shunning me."