Quote Originally Posted by VanBuren View Post
Then it's certainly not a Good action. Killing them just because of what the alignment says, and not for any reason that justified lethal violence is an Evil action.
We all agree it's not a Good action... we don't agree on whether or not one is more Evil than the other.

And even if the victim has an Evil alignment, the fact that a supposedly Good being has tainted itself by performing Evil means that as far as the sides are concerned, Evil has gained a point.
Evil might have gained a bit because the perpetrator has slided towards Evil, but at the same time, Evil compeletely lost a fine warrior. Evil lost more than it gained there: the world is a better place now.

Obvious example:

V's alignment moves towards Evil
~25% of an Always Evil species dead
Evil Dragon Goddess totally pissed off, to the point that you need to promise her that in exchange you'll weaken the Good side five times as much so as to be "forgiven"


the world is a less Evil place (or a more Good place, it's the same).

Definitely not "Evil has gained a point".

Or rather, Evil has gained a point (in V), but lost about a thousand points at the same time.