Quote Originally Posted by VanBuren View Post
Again, from the BoED

At the end of the day, even if Team Evil lost a competent agent, since it was achieved via Evil means, Evil wins.
Again, though, D&D proves that good and evil are energies named good and evil out of bias and not philosophical concepts or right and wrong abstracts. Because if this is talking about right and wrong, the BoED is full of utter crap when it says this.

To believe that alignment in D&D is the way it is because the game is written that way AND to believe that good and evil are objective facts of right and wrong you must believe that if you have to cast 'Create Greater Undead' or else let the souls of every single human child that ever existed experience ultimate suffering and torture for all eternity, to stay pure, you have to let it happen. There is no other option that I see. That is just one of the self defeating traps that believing in objective and arbitrary D&D good-evil is right and wrong.