Hover darted into her room. She frantically tossed open her drawer and pulled out a mace with her teeth. It semed more ceremonial than battle worthy.

It had a cubic head. Each side but the top inscribed with a rune. The top was a sciptre of some language. The pummel's end was the shape of a skull and the base was wraped in leather. "Let's go."

Hover ran out the room and headed to the exit.


He saw her go under again. Grills ran into the house with her on his back and draped her on the couch. "Wake up, Fantasia. Bad thing happen when ponies sleep. Trust me I know. Wake up!"[B] he yelled.

He took off he cloak and leg brace when to get gauze and rum. Cafefully, he poked her head and undressed the wound. With the proper equipment, he cleaned and redressed the cut after a short suckling.
Then he heard her call. "I'm out here. It's a dream. Wake up."