Quote Originally Posted by Sweetie Welf View Post
Well, it's a no girls club. And a moustache can't be long enough.
Pictures... that reminds I wanted to send him some "spicy" stuff for weeks via PM. But I knew he had a girlfriend, and was afraid she might find out and he would get into trouble. But now I can put you in CC and he definitely will be in trouble. It's more efficient that way.
I just caught this.

What. The. Hay?! Seriously?! Everypony knows you use BCC so I won't see it, and then get mad at her for 'going through my private message folder'.
I don't know; I like SiuiS, I like chainsaws, and I really like explosions. But I don't think all three should be combined at the same time.
Aye, too much of a good thing, and all that.
Also, my own personal safety, but let's be honest. We are discussing me and chainsaws...

The ratio is in my signature. The numbers are from Johnny Blade, so they are sound.
yeah, I remembered that just soon enough to feel dumb for asking XD

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
If that's the case, I'm super sorry to have missed it. It's been a while since there's been a massive influx of highly relevant pony conversations. Not that there are never any, but if you were just dancing from topic to topic with no distractions? Sounds like magic. I'm not going to complain because GenCon was so much fun, but it would have been nice if the timing could have synched up better.
Aw, I feel like we've been subtly letting you down as a thread now. XD but also

I like to believe I am a solemn and dignified pony who never loses her composure regardless of the --

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeheeheeheeeeee~ Lookit the widdle pony! And it's meee~ Ohmygosh I feel so cute right now you have no idea.

Thanks where thanks are due: Inkwell! I love you!
I had not heard that, no. I... have fan music? I have fan music. I'll be very curious to hear the lyrics he promises are coming. This is a really odd feeling. A sense of accomplishment?

*sputters incoherently*

For... for me? I... oh my goodness gracious me, this day won't stop giving. I am beyond words.
*looks at filly doodle*
maaaaaaybeeeeee I should... Stall for a day or two. You seem about ready to explode...

Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post
You're back! ^^ Putting up warning boeys!




Aaawww, they beat me to it! But still, they didn't have proper warnings, so I'm putting them up a bit late. ^^ Also, for any who missed it, some more artsing...


Captain Maneway and the PNY Aurora, a friendship powered spaceship - it's engine core is actually based on the elements of harmony!

The PNY Aurora by itself, just because I put so much work into it, that it needs a closeup!

And Midnight's little shoulder devil, Nightpixie Moon!

Okay, that's enough repostings for now. Have a nice happy fuzzly day! Sorry for the reposts, but some of you ponies may have missed them earlier, and I live on comments. Derek can attest to that. ^^

Further Edits: I am loved! Yeee, that makes me feel so happy Phoe. ^^ Glad you loved it!
Hahaha, Inkwell you dork~
I am now satisfied that the Midnight stray forelock is canon. Thanks, mate. And I haven't been saying much about your pictures, but that's because I don't feel 'AWESOME /)^3^(\' is a sufficient comment.

Oddly, telling you that I really like the art but don't have enough content to psot a content is just fine. So. Yeah XD