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Thread: LGBTAitp - Part Fifteen

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp - Part Fifteen

    ... it's also the stupidest question beyond a certain point. You can always ask "why?" once more after the underlying logic has been explained and laid out to the root, after which the question can no longer be answered, since all worldviews necessarily contain some measure of "just because".
    maybe when you reach a certian point yes, but most people dont reach that certian point.

    Because everytime i hear "just because" , what they arent saying or even realizing themselves is they are actually saying "Just because thats what i think and i dont want to change my mind or get anywhere near the notion i may be wrong cus i'm clinging onto my personal world view cus thats the only way i have to deal with life "

    there are people who cant explain why they feel a certian way about something philosophical, but i think in this particular instance its usually cus they dont choose to look at their own motivations.
    Last edited by Cerlis; 2011-08-08 at 02:34 PM.
    Part of the "Raise Nale and Let Him Serve Life in Prison" fan-club

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