Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
Eh, I'm not only sane, but totally immune to the effect. Note no one in the thread ever shipped me :P
I seem to recall shipping you with Madame LeFlour at one point, though that was a rather silly day in the thread. Want me to try to dig it up?
Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
Why, weather? You've been so dry all summer, but the one day that I needed you to be dry, because I needed to keep my good clothes looking good, and I had to do some walking to my interview, did you choose torrential downpour?!

As for the interview itself, it was pretty standard. Nothing too special, I'll be starting it in a month or so. It was actually a fifteen minute interview, which was a little shorter than I was expecting, but it had to be done.

But I'm exhausted just from the transit. I won't go into the problems that I had getting to and from the city for my interview.
Congratulations on the internship!
Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

If I thought it could be done without... You know, destroying my mental infrastructure, I'd set up a PbP version. Do I like chess-by-mail; actually lay out the board pieces, use diagrams, etc.

However, the whole brain-explode aspect is part of the game. I can barely keep track of the zombies in a regular game, let alone one where I can't represent them very well.

Then again... To the Ponderosium!

Also, man, you make me sad. I'm going to have to start a fund-raiser, get a bunch of plane tickets, force you to use some vacation hours and knock down your door with a bunch of boardgames in hand and playgrounders in tow.
I'll see about bringing Descent, Arkham Horror, and Betrayal at House on the Hill.
Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

Wow. Sorry, mates. Fully 50% of page 42 is just a massive word assault, and it's all my fault...

Hm. So that clears it up a bit. You're about 3 hours away, depending on how you meant "a little after" midnight. Now all I have to do is figure out which timezone that is, bust out a map, cross reference the zone with parts of Canada, make a bunch of wild guesses, then have you break down from weariness and just tell me your general location.

Oh yeah. It's all coming together.


DBC, monocle!Fluttershy is the second cutest fluttershy ever. Good show old bean.
I seem to have managed to completely wipe my responses to your text wall. Twice. I'm sorry, but I can't quite bring myself to try a third time.

Also, there's nothing to be sorry about. In my book, that post verges on being called glorious.

Quote Originally Posted by Hawkflight View Post
Wow, it's been ages since I've posted in this thread.

So, I was just wondering. Does anypony here play MMOs, like WoW or Guild Wars? I've seen some MLP guilds pop up on some MMOs like Runescape lately....
*glomp* Yay! Hawkflight is back!

I don't play any MMOs, but a few of my friends are trying to woo me onto Guild Wars.

I do play Minecraft, and have a mob grinder that I'm planning on putting a Pinkie Pie on the side of, once that map comes back up.
Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post


66 PAGES! 32,000 WORDS!


I'm not done with Semper Fidelis, but it's all over but the epilogue and a touch of exposition! And editing, of course. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SO CLOSE! I CAN TASTE IT! I CAN TAAAAAASTE IIIIIIIIIIIT!


Also, a question for anyone who reads it or has read it at any point up to now: what Equestria Daily tags do you feel are most appropriate for this story?
There was a line you wanted us to remind you to end this with. I seem to have lost track of that post, so I'll just bring this up. Do you remember the line? I'm also really tempted to ignore the fact I should have been asleep a few hours ago and get caught up on what you've written.

[Shipping] and [Adventure] are the only tags that spring to mind. I don't read as much fanfic as I'd like (and, oddly, still can't quite bring myself to try non-ponyfics), so I don't really know what options are available.