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    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Cynical Avocado's Absolutely Admirable Accumulation of Random Bantering #165

    I'm not too big on 4th Ed. Mostly because I'm used to 3.5, despite its flaws. I do, however, like 4th's better class balance (at least melee classes can actually do something now) and the playable monsters. I love the whole removal of LA and RHD, and just giving us nice fresh player stats for them. Plus the new races are awesome and I love the art of most of the new monsters.

    I figure 4th Ed is a lot less complicated, which was a bit of a problem in 3rd. But I prefer the flexibility of 3rd a bit more. I find 4th a bit too rigid for me. But that's just my opinion.
    Last edited by Skeppio; 2011-08-15 at 12:48 AM.