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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Cynical Avocado's Absolutely Admirable Accumulation of Random Bantering #165

    Quote Originally Posted by araveugnitsuga View Post
    The issue with essentials is that it was a simplification over the already rather simplified 4E and I didn't like the way things were looking for 4E, specially since despite making the game a lot more balanced it practically took away one of the most fun aspects for me, multi-classing. I still however wish to eventually at least have one game in 4E if only to see how it works out in practice.

    And yes, the most parodied ever template race class stacking is also tempting.
    Well, thats where the joy of house rules come in, of course. Though I figure they fixed multiclassing. No more xp lag for one.

    Also, next campaign I do, consider yourself an assured seat so you can try it out

    Oh, also, with the addition of Lycanthrophic character themes in Neverwinter Campaign Guide, you can add Werewolf or Wererat to that.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2011-08-15 at 12:59 AM.