Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
ONION: Blargh, why is backstories so hard to write up properly? I know it sounded excellent in my head last night...
Yeah, I'm not that good at backstories. That's why I tricked the DM into writing mine I thought it would really help the "amnesia" aspect of my character if I as the player didn't know my backstory either.

Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Ahh. I do too. For instance, Gnoll's are an honerable warrior race trying to make up for the transgressions of their former barbaric leaders. And the Gnome government is basically the mafia. Don Juliano Julias wants you to clean up your act, chapice?

Speaking of pixies, they are finally getting a 4E version. In November
I'm planning a game right now for a few friends for after school starts. The orcs are psionic and are ruled by the oppressive dwarves.

Quote Originally Posted by absolmorph View Post
I got Minecraft to run decently for the first time in ages.
I decided to play on a friend's server.
I built my home underground. From there, I started a mine. My shaft is a square 3 blocks to a side.
I went down at least 20 blocks already. I have stairs.
I suspect I'll hit the bottom of the map in 2-3 days (assuming I don't play much).
I also suspect I'll hit the bottom of the map before I put a bed in my house, because I do stuff like that.
Sweet. I would get Minecraft, but it would put off my laptop purchase. Which is bad, because I have no way of making money right now.