Quote Originally Posted by Ranger Mattos View Post
Yeah, I'm not that good at backstories. That's why I tricked the DM into writing mine I thought it would really help the "amnesia" aspect of my character if I as the player didn't know my backstory either.

I'm planning a game right now for a few friends for after school starts. The orcs are psionic and are ruled by the oppressive dwarves.

Sweet. I would get Minecraft, but it would put off my laptop purchase. Which is bad, because I have no way of making money right now.
Not gonna touch that first comment

Oh dear, psionic orcs. Though to be fair, there is some precedence for it. ORKAMORKA! WAAAAAAAGH!

I flipflop from thinking Minecraft is boring as hell, and really wanting to try it out. But my computer can't run it unless the rendering is set at the lowest it can possibly get. So like, I can't see things two feet infront of me.