Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy still had the bed leg in a death grip, and by his scrunched-shut eyes and uncontrolled shaking, he wasn't keen on letting go anytime soon.
Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
Silverpine made no reply, but instead leaned over the side and retched heavily.

"What a bunch of sissies....anywhoof...I'mma explore a bit,"
Gear hopped out of The Clunker and took a look around. She then glanced up and smirked.

"Looks like we have a stowaway,"
She takes note of Jormong.

"Don't be silly Fox, I'm not that weak," Icy replied, making herself stand up to show she meant it. She wobbled slightly on four legs, and had to take a step back to steady herself. "Woah, why is the ground moving?"

"I didn't say you were weak, heck, you're one of the toughest....but even the toughest get tired,"
He still remained in a kneeling position. "Now will you comply or will I have to get assertive and plop your flank onto my back? Gentlecolt ways be darned in this instance."