[At the Foot of K'rax]

Raril just smiles at his wife. "It's alright." He says, reaching out to her. "You did everything that you could. No one could expect any more than that." He tries to pull her into a hug. "Dearest, if it is my fate to be with you until the end of time itself, then I gladly accept that. Isn't that exactly what I swore when I married you?"

[Fleeing from K'rax]

Should Ilpholin examine the trinket Raril threw at her more thoroughly, she'll find it's a silver amulet depicting a drowess dancing before the moon. She may recognize it as a symbol of Eilistraee, the one goodly goddess amongst the Drow pantheon. Two rings were strung onto the chain alongside the amulet. One was a plain gold band, the other a more ornate design in platinum.

Why had he thrown this her way? What had he meant by it? Was it just something to remember him by? Or was there a deeper message there?