For those keeping track at home, our submissions this time are...

{table=head]Main Class|Second Class|Domain Chosen
Hexblade | Arcane Archer | Winter Domain
Paladin | Bone Knight | Hunger Domain
Swordsage | fighter | Time Domain
Hexblade | Shadowcraft Mage | Illusion Domain
Bard | Warweaver | Healing Domain
Blackguard | Ocular Adept | Strength Domain
Duskblade | - | Community Domain
Hexblade | Paladin of Slaughter | Luck Domain
Favored Soul | Fighter | Protection Domain
Duskblade | Nar Demonbinder | Destruction Domain
Truenamer | - | Multiple Domains[/table]

I honestly thought there would be more Duskblades. The ability to channel a high level spell into a melee attack is delicious. But then, there's no shortage of deliciousness on this list. I almost wish I was judging.