
Once Saurous is gone, Moon Called leans back in her bed. The pillow presses up around her ears, which are bent at a ninety-degree angle so as not to jab into the pillow. She exhales, softly and slowly, as she stares up at the ceiling. The white tile is stark for a while before slowly swimming into a vague whiteness as Moon Called lets her vision go out of focus.

She was tired. Her arm hurt. Thanks to the painkillers it wasn't much more than a dull ache, and even then, only in a few places around the core. But... that was the worst part, wasn't it? Not the pain, but only being able to feel it in the places that weren't damaged beyond salvation. The pain itself was fine. Pain was good, it was what told Moon Called that she was still alive. But this pain... it was different. It was a reminder of her failure.

Closing her eyes, Moon Called let her thoughts drift back to the fight with the shoggoth. The battle replays in her mind as Moon Called watches from a third-person view in the sky. Each attack and counter-attack is analyzed - picked apart and put back together to see what she could have done better and what she did wrong.

Using a blade had been a mistake - a blunt weapon would have served her better. A mace or a warhammer. She had been too eager to jump into combat, to excited to pit her skills against a new foe. Her haste had cost her. And then... the ward. Something went wrong with the ward on her armour. It shouldn't have backfired on her like that. It was only supposed to super-heat on the outside, while keeping Moon Called and her armour cool. She was going to have to get Saurous to inspect it with her later, figure out what part of the magic mumbo-jumbo of it went wrong. Maybe once she got her new arm.

Yawning, Moon Called's eye slowly droops closed. The painkillers were making her drowsy.
With one last, deep breath, Moon Called closes her eye and falls asleep.