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Thread: Death of a god and effects on clerics

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Re: Death of a god and effects on clerics

    Quote Originally Posted by flumphy View Post
    It depends largely on the setting and the god's function. Mystra dying, for example, is a big deal. With other deities, you people move on without much of a problem.
    I'd also say it depends on how the setting handles gods dying.

    For example, if you're playing in Midkemia, dead gods can be reborn given worship and time, and the other gods continue providing power to the clerics of fallen gods, to the point that the vast majority of the world don't even know the gods in question are dead.

    If there's any midkemia fans out there, yes I know I just butchered that explanation for simplicity's sake. Please don't nitpick
    Last edited by Seerow; 2011-08-19 at 10:05 PM.
    If my text is blue, I'm being sarcastic.But you already knew that, right?