The Boomstick Cartel
Espionage: +++

Alliance [ESP +++++ ++]
OOC: Well, lowering tariffs doesn't actually translate to stats usually so I'm not sure how to handle this.
Friendship is all I ask. Goblins may be greedy, but you can count on us to be loyal to our friends. We control the only land passage between Lordaeron and Khaz Modan while you control the only realistic passage into the southern parts of our territories. I would sleep easier at night knowing that we were guarding each others' backs. It's beneficial to both of us and it can't hurt, right? We can control who you do and don't want crossing at Farkrack Fortress.

Steamwheedle Cartel [ESP +++]
Trade Prince Ratso Steamwheedle,

Ah, who cares about the formalities?! I miss you, buddy. I was thinking of popping by for a visit, but I wanted to make sure you'd be around if I did. Looking forward to seeing you.

Trade Prince Vazclaw

The Blackwater Raiders [ESP +++]
A goblin runs up to the tall captain, tapping him on the knee to get his attention. "Scuse me.. Capt'n Seahorn? I was told ta give my message ta you!"
As a faction involving many goblins, the Boomstick Cartel feels a sort of loyalty to your people. The times are becoming chaotic and dangerous, so we would like to formally extend our hand in friendship. Chaos is often seen as a bad thing, but we at the Boomstick Cartel tend to find these times... lucrative. Might you agree? If you are interested in working out details on how we might work together, please send an envoy to Tol Barad if you are able. We have some... propositions.

Trade Prince Vazclaw

The Riven Council [ESP ++++]
Well, we gobbos are in it for the profits if you know what I mean. You can't blame us, right? However, we have our loyalties as well. Knowing that you're interested in looking out for each other is enough for me to be happy, but I have a few potential projects that might help the both of us profit. The problem is... the information is, well, sensitive. Perhaps I should make a visit to see you myself or send a representative.

The Murloc Hordes [ESP ++++]
Great Warlord Mrlgurgl,

I am a modest man, so I will not lie to you for the sake of sounding pious. I am not all that well-informed about this powerful deity you worship. I can assure you that my goals are simply to continuing growing my wealth while my land-dwelling times still last. If your deity is merciful and I serve her well through a pact with your people, perhaps I will be spared. Is there any way I could immediately be of assistance? I have a few projects of my own that I'm interested in working on, but perhaps we can make something work.

Trade Prince Vazclaw