Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post
My landlord did something so stupid and facepalmy today, that I normally would have ranted about it here. Instead, it's on teh blog.

Yup, after 3 years of having ME/CFS, I decided to start a blog about it. I'm spending more time there and spending more time reading the blogs of other chronically ill / disabled people, which means I'm spending less time here.

This isn't me saying I'm going on hiatus, because I still love roleplaying, but I'll probably do less of it, and I'm definitely going to be less aware of what's going on in general. Also, I may need more frequent poking. I always read the OOC thread, so poking me here works fine.

And here is someone giving their pet a treat after brushing their teeth. I do the same thing with turtledog. D'awww
cute hippo is cute!^^
good luck with your blog happy!