Just a mini update until everyone has posted.

Sarone, Sanguine: Whoever was here, they did a good job of covering their tracks. In about an hour, after everyone has cleared out, you can try again.

Gwynfrid: Whatever did this, any sense of evil from it has long passed. There is a faint throb in the blood, but the way it flickers looks completely wrong. As if it's evil doesn't really exist yet. As you look around, you can tell the only evil person here is Gibs, but he doesn't even have an aura to him.

Benjan's mood does lighten as you go to work on him. He waves his deputy down as the other man starts to get a little antsy when so many people show up to crowd the area. Gibs, as expected, turns a furious beet red before storming off in a huff.

"Alright, look, I'm sure you folks have good intentions, but I'm going to tell you this just as plainly as I did Gibs before. This is a town of laws and traditions that have served us very well. As long as I'm here, you're not going to cause any trouble or I'll toss you into the jail myself, got it?"

With Augustin okay on his own, Kendra approaches both the councilwoman and the sheriff with Petros' journal. "I know it's a bit of an imposition, but I also have news of my father's death that I think you both should know. We discovered his journal last night and it seems that his death might have been more foul than anyone had imagined..."

"We can talk at my home," Mirta offers as the sheriff nods.

"Keep a lid on things until I return," Caeller calls back to Riff as he turns to leave, a little annoyed that the matter of the professor's death just won't stay dead.