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Thread: Heresy in the Cor Leonis

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Heresy in the Cor Leonis

    Janus looks at his watch and tuts before clearing his throat for silence and beginning. You aren't sure if he was waiting for someone else and gave up or just wanted to make you wait, from what you've seen of him in the few months you've been here it could be either.

    "Wood, Wolfe, Wrax." He nods to each of you in turn, "Inquisitor Payne has need of a new Acolyte cell and has commanded me to provide one from our recent intake of recruits." He seems less than pleased at the prospect.

    "Against all probability, you three are the best i have, so you are hereby being promoted to full Inquisitorial Investigator status." Standing , he plucks three Inquisitorial Rosettes and reluctantly hands one to each of you, "These will identify you as members of the Emperor's Inquisition, be aware of when to use them and when to hide them."

    He turns and walks back to his desk, settling himself and straightening up some files before speaking again.

    "I am assigning you to the Cor Leonis system, not far from here, where you will work to root out all signs of heresy, and defend against xeno and daemon alike. From time to time I will assign you missions as intelligence I receive dictates, but at the same time I need you to be vigilant yourselves and take initiative. You are not the only cell in the system, and it is not the only system that I must deal with." As he speaks, Janus looks at you through heavy hooded eyes with what could be mistaken for outright contempt.

    "You will be provided with a basic shuttle that can get you from planet to planet and the equipment you have been issued so far is yours to take with you. Be mindful that this equipment belongs to the God-Emperor and do not squander the resources of his most holy Inquisition. That being said, if you do manage to prove yourselves useful, the resources available to you will increase commensurately."

    He throws a ratty looking data-slate towards the front of the desk. "There is some basic information about the system here, but don't expect any hand-holding from now on. You're investigators, investigate." He rubs a hand over his hairless skull, scratching the metal plate in the side of his head absentmindedly before continuing, "Any questions before you leave, ask them now."
    Last edited by Naryzhud; 2011-09-02 at 04:17 AM.