Quote Originally Posted by AMFV View Post
Flooded soil is bad.

The problem is that accelerating growth doesn't replenish the resources in the soil. You're going to wind up with soil that is completely unusable within a few rotations. Of course accelerating time would help, but then you'd be better off using traditional farming techniques. D&D really is not well equipped to deal with soil science and agriculture. It's like the fact that no desert cultures paralleling those of earth would exist with create water. D&D exists in kind of a paradox with reality, farming is a pretty involved art, and depends a great deal on the natural order therefore D&D (without gobs of house rules) isn't suited to realistic farming.
Most RPGs, games, fiction, etc. are made with oodles and oodles of handwavium. If campaigns are delving into how the populace gets its food, you get auto-resetting create food and water traps, obviating farming altogether. That rabbit hole goes very far down. I'm scared. Hold me?