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Thread: [BitP:R] Hueco Mundo 3

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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [BitP:R] Hueco Mundo 3

    Quote Originally Posted by InyutheBeatIs View Post
    "I should've known you wouldn't talk." Pico mumbles in response to Apolinar's lack of response. He shoots off a glare towards Rouga as he hears that he has to run those laps still. With a kick, he's standing by Rouga's side, still giving him a bit of a glare. "Not until I take care of some unfinished business. And don't you dare forget about those ten crates of scotch you said you'd give me if I didn't cheat."

    Pico then turns to Apolinar. "You heard right. I'm back in the game." At that moment, he remembers something, a look of dawning realization soon eclipsed by that of sadistic mischief. "Oh, by the way, how was your deal with Private...crap, what's his name, Salter-something? Saltamontes! That's it."
    "Laps first, unfinished business later. If nothing else it'll warm you up, Pico.

    I won't forget, but you DID take some hits. That match wasn't exactly curbstomp city for you. You're high from the victory yet, and that means you'll make mistakes."
    Rouga spoke with all the seriousness of when he told Pico to climb that mountain with only one arm.

    "I can't stand the idea that a disciple of mine would do something that reckless. You don't want to waste the effort I put into training you, do you? Or should I have you run around in the desert with worm bait on your pockets again?"

    Quote Originally Posted by InyutheBeatIs View Post
    Pico, meanwhile, just stares at him, rather surprisingly unaffected by any of what just happened. He waits for Apolinar to finish screaming, before he reponds. "That's right, frikkin' Novena pal. And this won't be the last time you see me take a step up in the ranks." He narrows his eyes for a moment. "Besides, what makes you so sure you can even get to the 'kill me slowly' part of your plan there?" He turns his head to Rouga at that moment. "Should I even give a crap that he's like this, or should I make him shut up right now?"
    "Let him fume. He will probably only get more pissed after he processes the part where it was I that engineered your upgrade."
    Last edited by Kuroimaken; 2011-09-08 at 05:58 PM.
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."