Urgh... I won't comment on the general discussion about all the finales. I'll say I'll agree with Thufir on most of the points and I don't feel like nitpicking any of them. (Okay, I would, some, but I don't want to fuel more discussions on that)
I'm still a massive opposer of the certain moment in S3 finale (wel all know which one) The sheer stupidness of it aside (Yeah, as The Master said 'What?!') I just hate this view on the Doctor. Heck, if you argue he was not setup as some SantaClaus/Tinkerbell/Jesus there you might as well argue Azlan is not Jesus either. And I really rather have my religion staying out of Who as far as possible.

As for S4.5 and later (curly protect)

I'm not as happy with it. I'd not rage on it as much as Friv did, mostly because I thought multiple Saxons - as stupid as they were - were kind of funny as well.
But yeah, I didn't like Ten's death either.
a) it felt forced. It felt so needlessly complicated elaborated to have him die there it was... it was almost ridiculous, which ruined the fact it was supposed to be sad.
b) The goodbyes dragged on too long. For my taste. I guess there were a lot of people to say goodbye to but I don't think any previous Doctor did anything like that.
Quote Originally Posted by Dienekes View Post
Martha and Mikey were together for some reason (that comes out of nowhere and doesn't actually mean anything)
Maybe it means RTD doesn't support interracial relationships *cough*Okay, no, not really, but why these two? It really gives off a weird picture in some way.
c) As people mentioned, I don't like how Ten acts so different from e.g. 9 or other Doctors. Yes, he has another personality, then let's just say I don't like that kind of personality. It was just done to please the fanbase who loved Ten, or that's how it felt to me.

Since I'm spoilering anyway... I think I've said often enough I like Moffat's run and I liked the S5 finale. I don't mind the wackyness or anything, though I guess he really could have just excluded the Dalek in BB and River making it beg for mercy... jep, I HATED hated (not THAT bad) that to be honest. But it was a minor setback and the last minutes got me so pumped up like no other finale I can recall.

As for AGMGTW... I could complain about the 'highest rise, deepest fall' bit but... meh, people exaggerate sometimes. Really, it wasn't that bad to me, it might not have been true but it helped set the mood.