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Thread: Nexus Character Directory

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Nexus Character Directory

    I decided to condense my Characters into one post, since my account weirdness prevents me from actually editing the originals anymore. I'd appreciate if the characters listed here were relinked from the OP to this post.

    Sarah Bloodchanter

    You are but clay, to be kneaded to my will.

    Alias: The Blood Witch

    Gender: Female

    Race/Species: Human

    Age: 23

    Class/Profession: Rogue Blood Mage

    Power Rating: C+


    This actually sums it up pretty well. Though her eyes only start glowing red when she's using one of her less subtle powers. They're usually an Icy blue. In a more casual setting, she might be found appearing more like the image below.

    Personality: Sarah tends to be abnormally cold, generally not very friendly, and has a fascination with Blood on par with most Vampires. She may get violent quickly, though she prefers not to end up in personal combat. In fact, she prefers to turn whomever is nearby into a puppet to fight at her whim.

    Equipment: She has only her clothing, a dagger, a tome of occult lore, and a coinpurse without nearly enough money in it.

    Abilities: I'm going to Spoiler this because it's a bit complex.

    Sarah has an array of powers, that I'm going to separate into a few different categories. In addition to the magic described below, she can use a dagger, albeit rather poorly.

    Augmentation Magic:

    Augmentation magic was Sarah's official school of study, as she could never have openly studied Blood Magic in Starkhaven.

    Heal: This simple spell stitches together torn flesh, repairs cracked bones, and generally puts things back together. If you aren't dead yet, this will help.

    Rejuvenate: This spell makes fatigue and tiredness fade away in an instant, helping her allies stay in the fight. Or keep moving in the face of danger.

    Ameliorating Aura: This spell releases a cloud of magical energy that, although it can be resisted, compels those in the vicinity to be a bit calmer, to stop fighting, and to just be friendly to each other. Doesn't get used much.

    Blood Magic:

    Blood Magic is Sarah's true school of study, and she has managed to master it so far rather than letting it master her. It allows her to trade her own vitality for power, as well as affecting the blood of others directly.

    Hemokinesis: Pretty much self-explanatory.

    Bloodstrike: Sarah uses some of her own blood as a series of projectiles. The expelled blood turns ridiculously acidic, and usually corrodes straight through anything short of steel.

    Consumption: By magically draining blood from the fallen and the still-living in the area, Sarah can replace some of her lost blood. Some magical effect changes the blood type to hers, so she won't die from an impromptu transfusion. This works even on creatures that have extremely alien blood that by all rights shouldn't help her at all.

    Cold as Ice: This ability freezes a person's blood in their arteries. This is usually not only excruciatingly painful, but paralyzing. On the upside, it's not usually lethal. Usually.

    Puppets of her Will: By manipulating the blood in a person's body directly, Sarah has learned to literally take control of others' bodies. However, it doesn't work in the way one might think. Sarah has learned to raise efficiency by only affecting the blood in the brain, allowing her to take precise control of their motor functions. She can manipulate the recently dead in a similar manner, though in this case she manipulates the blood that exists in Bone Marrow instead. Manipulating the dead like this happens to be a very clumsy way to control a body, so her Pseudozombies aren't the best fighters.

    Backstory: From a mysterious land, in the city of Starkhaven, where Mages are persecuted because they are considered dangerous and prone to Demonic Possession, Sarah grew up in a place so riddled with hatred between Mages and the local Chantry, that almost all of them turned to the forbidden school of Blood Magic in desperation. She had, of course, turned to Blood Magic long before the conflict came to a head, but the release of so much magic and Antimagic at once resulted in a tiny breach in reality. It only existed for a fraction of a second, but it was enough to draw her to a new land. Perhaps one where she could be accepted. She adopted a new surname, and began her foray into the Nexus. And yes I'm aware of how cheesy that sounded. Gotta love what amounts to a fanfic character.

    Sarah was recently murdered by Prometheus. And then unMurdered by Cyrus, thank's to Rael's intervention.


    "May you suffer an ironic fate."

    Alias: The Fallen Man, the Exarch of the Crypt

    Gender: Male

    Race/Species: Revenant. Unclear what previous species was.

    Age: Who knows?

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral

    Class/Profession: Knight, though he knows some magic.

    Power Rating: B- normally, D in an antimagic field or similar.

    Description: Despair appears in a suit of armor, has glowing red eyes, and extremely rotted-looking flesh. In fact, here's a picture. Ignore the elf in the background. That's his squire.

    Personality: Despair is extremely stoic, rarely saying anything at all unless necessary. It doesn't always want to fight, but refuses to back down if it happens, unless its entirely outclassed. He's ridiculously determined to succeed at what he does, and very few things can get in the way of that. And if he wants something, he can be ruthless in obtaining it.

    Equipment: Despair always wears a magically hardened suit of armor, and carries an adamantine greatsword so large and heavy that it has no business being carried at all.

    Abilities: The first of Despair's special abilities is fairly insidious. Hostile creatures within 10 feet or so of Despair must make a will save every round or have some of their energy sapped. This causes them to become fatigued and less able to go on. The second ability is a bit more direct, but also important: Despair is capable of a limited form of telekinesis, able to extend a magical claw, grappling and dragging its enemies within striking distance. It can only extend four of these at any one time, and the ability drains its energy pool. For more mundane abilities, Despair is incredibly strong, with a strength roughly equivalent to a '30' in D&D. It has strong armor, powerful defenses, and will regenerate over time. It cannot be knocked down, as some incredible supernatural force keeps it upright. It cannot even willingly lay down, though it can sit. Finally, Despair is skilled with a blade, and capable of using its sword to great effect in battle.

    Backstory: Despair was raised from the dead by his own commitment to not staying down. Indeed, he fought his way out of limbo for the right to stand back up. Unfortunately, his rotting body and decaying form has eroded his skill and strength somewhat. As a consequence of this, however, he has no memories of his previous life or his name. This could be a problem, considering that he was somewhat attached to those. He was given his new name as part of the pact he made to free himself from the realm of chaos.

    Jacques Dreyfus

    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."

    Alias: "The Strategist"
    Gender: Male
    Race/Species: Human, though his enemies might profess otherwise.
    Age: 36
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral, or Blue/White/Black, for all you other color wheel lovers.
    Class/Profession: Tactician/Strategist
    Power Rating: D+. Due to the nature of his abilities, however, he is far more dangerous than this ranking might suggest. He is a strategist first and foremost, so whatever allies he might have are going to be far more dangerous in contact with him than they otherwise would be. Still, he can aim a pistol well enough to deal significant damage.
    Description: He usually wears Civilian Clothing, with a holster attached to his belt. He wears a pair of glasses, as he is near-sighted. He has short, straight brown hair, and has a french accent. He is Caucasian, and of average height and weight. In fact, he looks average enough where most people would be utterly surprised when he utterly trounces them in a game of chess.
    Personality: He has a tendency to apply Sun Tzu's The Art of War to everything he says or does. That alone should tell you all you need to know. He is a thoughtful person, and genuinely interested in preserving life, though he can be incredibly ruthless in pursuing that goal.
    Equipment: He carries no notable equipment, other than his pistol and a few clips worth of ammunition. He also carries a pocketbook edition of Sun Tzu's The Art of War with him at all times, though he never references it. He has it memorized.
    He has recently acquired a fairly large supply of ammunition, including Hollow Point, Armor-Piercing, and Thermonuclear .44 cal. Rounds.
    Much more recently, he has acquired some actual combat equipment, including a suit of airtight bulletproof armor, a Military-Grade Semi-Automatic Shotgun, a mid-accuracy automatic Assault Rifle, and a number of Fragmentation Grenades.

    Abilities: He has minimal ability in most combat areas, though he can use a firearm with astounding accuracy. However, his tactical and strategic sensibilities are ineffable, and he knows when and where best to apply any amount of force to make his enemies crack. He is also amazingly good at research, being able to figure out almost anything with access to enough resources. Finally, he plays a mean game of Chess. And by "mean," I mean "Cruelly play with your pieces until he gets bored, checkmates you, and then shows you how he could have done so in any of the ten preceding turns."
    Backstory: To Come Later.

    Jakob, the Blade of Oblivion

    I favor topsoil, actually. Evildoers never are willing to risk reliving that indignity.

    Alias: Sometimes called "The Blade of Oblivion." He's stopped caring.
    Gender: Male.
    Race/Species: Mostly human, though parts of his body have been replaced with Etherium Grafts.
    Age: 21 years old. He insists.
    Alignment: Blue/White (Lawful Good)
    Class/Profession: Planeswalker. Also, Gish Extraordinaire!
    Power Rating: Roughly B+ to A-.
    Description: The man has an immaculately clean beard, blue eyes, and auburn hair. He's fairly muscular, though no more than is normal, and stands about 5'11". One of his arms has been replaced with an Etherium one, with what appears to be an array of Galvanic Sparks moving it around. Beyond that much, it's hard to tell due to his Plate Armor.
    Personality: He's basically a good person, and genuinely desires to help those in need. He also likes to learn new things and get rid of things that are not conducive to a friendly environment.
    Equipment: He wears a suit of armor, even when sleeping. It's actually made from Etherium, so it can reshape itself to better resist blows and to be comfortable. He carries ridiculous supplies of potions and such under the armor as well, and the armor can actually physically move them into his hands. He wields both sword and spell into battle. The sword is made of Etherium as well, so it reshapes itself to stay ridiculously sharp and with just the right amount of weight being carried.
    Abilities: Jakob is a planeswalker, a rare being capable of naturally traversing the planes of reality. He is talented in the use of the sword, though it's unclear just how much of this is his sword messing around with its shape and weight to help him out. He wields spells as well, being a skilled practitioner of Transmutative magic. He mostly uses his spells defensively, however, using magic to put up wards and shields. He also is able to use said magic to improve the combat capabilities of his allies, making them immune to fatigue and resistant to damage. He's also pretty darned good at both fixing and placing transmutative curses. If you want your friend who's been turned into a newt to get better, he's your man. If you want an annoyance converted into a rabbit, he's also your man.
    Backstory: To come later.
    Misc: He has a Formspring Account.

    Cyrus Ahu, the Heart of Iniquity

    I don't know how to tell you this, lass, but I don't need ye anymore. Yer a liability now. (*Cue Fireball*)

    Alias: He is called the "Heart of Iniquity" as his primary alias, due to his hedonistic nature and cruelty.
    Gender: Male.
    Race/Species: Human
    Age: 35
    Alignment: Red/Black (Chaotic Evil)
    Class/Profession: Planeswalker. Also, Cult Leader and Sociopath.
    Power Rating: Roughly A to A+
    Description: Cyrus speaks with a mild Gaelic Accent, and has a head of black hair in addition to an EVIL! Goatee. He has an oddly pale complexion, and no irises around the pupils of his eyes. He wears a suit of leather armor, due to his value on mobility, and looks generally like someone you would avoid in the street. His clothes are black and red, and his magical aura varies between Black and Red, depending on exactly what he's casting.
    Personality: He's hopelessly hedonistic, filled with hate, hot-tempered, foul-tempered, evil, elegant, classy, soulless, and... get the idea.
    Equipment: He wears a suit of leather armor specially enchanted to inflict horrible curses on people who touch it. It sets them on fire, electrocutes them, knocks them a good distance away, and scourges the mind. It's not pleasant. He also carries a crossbow, along with a truly ridiculous number of enchanted bolts, with effects ranging from fireballs and acid to disintegration and amnesia.
    Abilities: Cyrus is a planeswalker, a rare being capable of naturally traversing the planes of reality. He is talented in the use of a crossbow, and can fire with immense precision and speed. He wields spells as well, being a powerful Evoker and Enchanter. Cyrus is completely immune to compulsion effects. He has no qualms about harming innocents with his spells, though he doesn't randomly murder civilians for no reason. That would be stupid.
    Backstory: To come later.

    Grandiose Possessions: Cyrus now controls a large fortress known as the Ebon Citadel, and controls the Forest of Silence around it as his personal domain. He seeks a number of things for the fortress, as well:

    1.) Some decent magical defenses.
    2.) Soldiers to man the keep. He'd prefer something brand new and completely loyal, since that means he'd have his own unique army of terrifying, uniform Soldiers. As part of the deal he struck using Rael and Sarah's lives as bargaining chips, Cyrus has obtained his soldiers from the Nest.
    3.) Competent Lieutenants to actually lead these soldiers into battle.
    4.) Artifacts to add to his collection.
    5.) A half-decent magical armory for said soldiers.
    Last edited by BladeofObliviom; 2011-10-05 at 10:36 PM.