So I was randomly flipping through the Spell Compendium, when I saw this picture:
It got me thinking; we have Were Wolves, Were Rats, Were Tigers, etc. and Anthropomorphic Animals, so what would a Were/Anthropomorphic Displacer Beast be like? So I start to look around for anything similar to that, and instead found more creatures that would be fun as Anthropomorphic/Were creatures; ex. Blink Dog, Terlen, Rust Monster, Kruthiks, Magma Hurler, Phargion (Organic Melee Droidika, anyone?), etc.

So now I've come to you, the Playground, to ask: Is there such a creature and, if not, how would you stat it out? Also, what other non-animal/non-humanoids would you like to see as a Bipedal, Were/Anthropomorphic creatures?

If possible, let's try to avoid HD, unless absolutely necessary.