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    Orc in the Playground
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    Nov 2010

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXIV: Now About 200% Longer Than Firefly

    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerlord View Post
    Well done. I now have a ninth link on my favourites bar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Dear ponythread, today I found out food poisoning isn't what it's cracked up to be.

    I'll resume normal operations just as soon as I remove my face from the sink.

    Well, At least you haven't went completely mad like that one time when I got ill in China.
    Get Well soon!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
    Once again ponies have entered my dreams.

    (Please excuse the sloppy writing, its early in the morning and I'm trying to pull this from memory.)

    I am somewhere near my house, when I hear someone talking about how they had seen the eagle. For some reason, I decide that I too must see this creature, and hop into my car and drive down the road for a mile or two, at which point I see the eagle (its a bald eagle, by the way). Along the way I am listening in on conversations over the radio, mostly people talking about the eagle and how it kills so many animals and that it helps so and so hunt and so on.

    While wondering why the eagle never helps me hunt (probably because I don't hunt...), I forget that there is a curve in the road and veer off into a bog filled with mines (in real life there is a soccer/football field there, so I have no idea where bogs and mines come from). At this point my car turns into a wagon and I begin to scoot out (I scoot, but I'm not a pony quite yet) of the bog onto the far side, where there is apparently a small truck stop.

    At the stop I run across a friend from work, who pulls in about the same time I do with three trucks. Turns out he got tired of the grocery business and decided to start a trucking company with his wife and 15 year old son (by the way, I don't actually know if this guy is married or has a child). He asks me to keep quiet on a few things, since he is breaking a small handful of laws, such as having a 15 year old trucker in his company.

    I leave the stop, and go to the road that connects the road to where I am to the road that I was originally on (just picture a rectangle, with the bog in the middle). As I'm about to go onto the connector road, I see sirens. Two volunteer firefighters are driving up the road, reach the end, and turn back to where they were.

    Curious, I follow them, at which point I turn into Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, and Apple Bloom. I see all of the firetrucks, and think I see some of the fire, but the view is awkward due to a bunch of trees. At this point, Captain Ido. Nos declares that we must go higher, so we go up the hill a ways, and hit what is apparently a reverse gravity trap, as we are all flung into the air at random directions, and are now in the process of falling to our deaths.

    Until Fluttershy arrives in the nick of time and grabs all three of us (I guess the Captain was lost...). Unfortunately, she has also picked up a random mishmash of pirates, knights, marines, and generic villainous characters who had apparently been stalking us from the beginning. The added weight causes her to lose control, and we crash land.

    Fluttershy then puts on her ninja outfit, and walks straight up to the leader of the bad guys. He apparently sent the men after the CMC because his boss threatened to turn him into a sandwich if he didn't. Hearing this, Fluttershy then walks away and leads us to safety.

    I once had 6 pony dreams within the space of a week. Let me tell you, getting impaled by Rarity's horn is not fun. At least we got Exp for killing him though.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post

    Rainbow Dash versus Starscream: Deathmatch!

    This just made my Friday afternoon.

    I'm going to be completely and brutally honest here. It's... Nice.
    But seriously, I don't even know why I bother to watch this any more.
    Warning: Extremely negative in depth analysis/rant coming up featuring hypothetical pony death. You have been warned.

    The fight:
    Although I've never really been interested in Transformers, My money was in Starscream the entire time. Hey, Don't look at me like that; He's a giant freaking robot, for gods sake! Giant freaking robots tend to be pretty strong. Well anyway, I estimated he had a 66% chance of winning. 33% isn't too Rainbow Dash either. I expected a pretty equal match. God was I wrong.
    Throughout the entire fight, he got only two hits on Rainbow Dash. One had almost no power in it, and the other was a anti-electric laser thing. Wouldn't a true coward just pump her full of lead as soon as she dropped her guard?

    And another thing: How could rainbow dash use the tornado to lift Starscream? I did a bit of research and found that Starscream would weigh 15 tonnes at the very least. Also, was I the only one who found Rainbow Dash to be out of character?

    The ending:
    When the fight started, I made a prediction. I predicted that the Sonic Rainboom would be done badly. Unfortunately, I was right. Unless done perfectly, the Sonic Rainboom just ends up as a "What do you mean, It's not awesome?" moment.

    Since The animators for the actual show are freaking amazing, They pulled it off. Her eyes tear up, You can see the effects of the G forces and there's a real sense of urgency. The Rainboom is beautifully animated as well. It's great.

    In The DeathBattle, we get a sprite which overlaps the cone, moves as if it's any other scene and doesn't show any emotion at all. The Rainboom is just an ellipse with a standard rainbow pattern and a hole in the middle. It originates from behind Rainbowdash, which is confusing as she is in the centre of it. It used a backstitch there when it clearly called for a topstitch or maybe a traditional blanket stitch and the overdesign is reminiscent of an effect made in Microsoft PowerPoint and not true Flash haute couture... AND IT'S NOT FINE!

    But Wait, There's even more laziness! Instead of getting sliced in half, or smashed through the chest as a result of the Sonic Rainboom, They push him off screen and make parts of his body fly in random directions. It wasn't until several seconds ago that I realised that was supposed to be the Buccaneer Blaze. What a cop out!
    And seriously? Eating him? That's just anti-climatic and totally out of character for Rainbow Dash. How would that even kill him? Couldn't he just phase through her? Or burst out her stomach? I could think of at least three better endings than that.

    My thoughts on why it was made:
    Some people are saying they're brave for making a video using ponies. I Disagree. I think this episode was just made to cater to the large amount of Bronies on ScrewAttack. By including Rainbow Dash in an episode, they attract people who would not care otherwise. I think they were scared that the potentially new audience wouldn't enjoy it if Rainbow Dash got hurt. If they were truly brave, they would have had Rainbow Dash get hurt. Or even killed. But nope, they attempted to win people over by taking the obvious route.

    Final Thoughts:
    I'm tired of potential being wasted.

    GAH! I don't think I've ever written anything so mean spirited since I saw The Last Airbender. Anyway, I need to go watch Super Mario Bros Z now. Maybe it will wash the stench of mediocrity off me.
    Last edited by MBI; 2011-09-23 at 01:42 PM.