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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] BleachITP Reborn OOC Thread 18: Peek-a-boo style PAWNCH!

    I hate risking sounding like some bully here, but now I question why he thinks Ken is assuming "everyone has a totally great family." Isn't asking the principal to make an exception for Kina potentially a sign he thinks the opposite? If he thought everyone had a perfect family why would he ask that? If Kina has a "perfect" aunt, whatever that means, he wouldn't be worried about how she would react to Kina's supposed slacking. I don't see him implying everyone other than her has eternally understanding/perfect guardians/parents either. He simply said he thought she was far more worried which I think is a fair assessment when she's becoming ghost white and largely ignoring the people around her. His words don't even have to be about family quality at all. He said she seemed far more worried and didn't say her worries were justified because her aunt easily gets hysterical or something. Regardless of family quality she is clearly visibly the most worried.

    And another thing, before someone assumes Ken is some "skeezy jock" all the time "off-screen," during the days we haven't played out he's largely just stuck like glue to Sayaka and Kina. He hasn't spoken much or at all to the others. And while he hangs out with them he acts very eager to please and polite when not clowning around.

    The only behaviour Ken apologized for is his on-screen/played out behaviour. He hasn't done all sorts of questionable stuff each day that we haven't played out.

    I don't even get how Hasunaga reaches a negative view on Ken. If he watched the warehouse battle play out he would know Ken was the very definition of composure even when some girl he just saved started to call him a total creep because of how he looked. Ken also isn't a "sports" guy as he said. He does boxing because he is good at it/likes being fit/likes being able to defend himself/likes the idea of making a living using your body and using his leisure time to exercise his mind. You don't have to care about sports to be good at one/like being fit. He is a "books" guy/intellectual/introvert. Many of his played out moments are him talking a lot, but the majority of the time he is quiet unless he is with his two friends and even then he would often be quiet around them because he isn't someone who feels a need to talk eternally.
    Last edited by nothingclever; 2011-09-25 at 03:33 PM.