Quote Originally Posted by Lost_Deep View Post
Devan Mountain

This particular choice of action may be re-thought when Fade sees that the figures are, in fact, trolls.

...That is not very informative, is it? There are so many trolls across the universes, that the word "troll" is really next to no help. Some places, Trolls are kinds of fairies, others, they are giants, or weird toad things, or a profession...

The figures are, in fact, Homestuck Trolls.

((Not any of those individuals, but the same race. Spoiler alert! If you have not read the story, I would recommend you do so. I can wait as long as you need to take.))

In addition, they are talking as he walks up. They are all wearing cold-weather clothes.

"Are you Sure this is Stardust?"

"ArE yOU lOOkIng At It? EvEn If It's nOt quItE whAt wE wAnt, wE cAn sEll It fOr a prEttY pEnnY."

"I f-f-f-feel p-p-power..."

"we do NOT have any amount of time to WASTE. we need to do this NOW before we start LOSING digits."
Devan Mountain

((I'm sorry I can't really follow the story, but I got an image of these guys.))

Fade still goes with his action. in fact he doesn't mind hiding and such, if he wants to get a thing he goes for it directly.