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Thread: Let's Play GenGame

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    thereaper's Avatar

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    Sep 2007
    Florida, USA

    Default Re: Let's Play GenGame

    So, I've made index html up to the point where SM starts getting commands, and I noticed that it says in one place to use cyan, and in another place to use sienna. Which should I use?

    Edit: And what colors should I use when there are multiple characters being given commands?

    Edit2: I've reached BH detonating the bomb on JH. This one could be a problem, because if I recall HTML correctly (been a long time since I used it), it won't maintain the spacing, and line breaks are not exactly ideal for this sort of thing. I'm stopping there for the night, and I left that as the last one at the bottom of the page (so that it'll be easy to find).
    Last edited by thereaper; 2011-09-30 at 02:49 AM.
    Wolfen Houndog - The World in Revolt (4e)
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