FFRP: Poking Ponies What?! :D

Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Fox View Post
I... Um... It's nothing like that. Trust me." She blushes a hot red through her teal fur, mixing to create a soft purple shade on her cheeks.

She smiles wide and returns the hug. "Yay friendship!"
D'awww. *ponyhug* And, as promised, there's no poking involved. "Well, it can't be something that bad. You should see what I do." He laughs. And then looks nervous. Uhoh.

He doesn't yet have a cutie mark, but it wouldn't be hard to find the right spot.

I just finished reading Ah Ain't Got no Ack-Cent. This is one of those rare stories that I feel "could be an episode" - which in my opinion isn't just based on quality, but also on length and content. It's short enough that it could be reduced to a 20 minute episode, and it's based on something that young children would understand and find funny, while still being entertaining to adults.