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Thread: A Dream of Quiet (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #618
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Under Mt. Ebott

    Default Re: A Dream of Quiet (IC)

    Drake is startled by the bolt of fire and ducks just in time - his hat, however, is not as lucky. "Hey!" he yells back at Pyrus without turning. "Watch the friendly fire, dude!"

    As he does, he takes a small jump back - everyone is entering the fray now, good. They might even take out this guy! Tentacles and strikes head for the Abyssal, it's looking nice...

    ...and suddenly he turns and the massive sword is aimed Drake's way. Oh fu- is everything he has time to think, going defense. Thankfully, something, Drake doesn't know what, deviates the stab and makes it into a wide swing he can easily stop by grabbing the momentum-less blade and pushing it back. And it's about then that someone more or less jumps over him and kicks the Abyssal on the head.

    Well, free chances never hurt anyone. And they better take this man out quickly before he realizes he can just fire something at the spent Abyssal and then run away. So by the time Amelia's finished her jump, Drake's there under the Abyssal, knees bent and arm pulled behind. Then it shoots in an arc, aiming directly to the man's lowered chin in a brutal rising uppercut, putting his all into it to at least daze the bastard before anyone gets hurt.


    [rollv]15d10[/roll] (Channeling Compassion into a punch attack) (EDIT: Argh, typo in the roll. You can't add rolls, so I'll be rolling in the OOC)

    Drake's reason for the use of a reference is twofold here - one, it is likely to confuse the Abyssal a bit, which always helps ("what? What did he just yell at me?"). And two, it kind of helps him take his mind of the fact he's fighting for his dear life - he's mostly staving off panic right now

    Anyway, Punch attack, Speed 5, base damage 11B, DV-1
    Remaining Essence
    Personal: 15
    Peripheral: 32
    (None used)
    Willpower: 8
    Last edited by Drascin; 2011-10-10 at 05:05 PM.