R686: I was looking over an old issue of Dragon and found a prestige class I would like to use (the fluff at least). Tiger Masks are servants of Rakshasa, required to only speak Infernal to their masters, who the Rakshasa scar heavily. The class from the magazine gives them claws and alter self late in the class, and is one of those "become a different type" classes. The only crunch ability really important is that they attract arrows and bolts towards themselves instead of their masters, and they have DR against arrows and bolts.

Now despite this being a PrC, I think it would work better in the form of a template. Can anyone whip up a template with the "arrow magnet" and DR abilities as the very least? Considering that the Rakshasa are no longer just vulnerable to blessed arrows, perhaps the ability to intercept attacks in general might b helpful?

Thanks in advance whoever