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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXVI: Applebloom to Zecora!

    Midnight: Roleplaying is Magic Sheet:
    Roleplaying is Magic Character Sheet:
    Name: Midnight
    Race: Unicorn
    Age: Filly (Statted as Mare + 2 Points)
    Special Purpose: Midnight's special purpose and talent is magic. Like her parents, she has great magical potential, potential that she must divine for herself the path it takes.
    Cutie Mark: The Magician Tarot. She also has a black blotch on her coat with star and moon stylings, akin to her Princess Mommy's own.
    Primary Attributes: Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3
    Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Energy 6, Courage 8
    Talents: Smart, Empathetic
    Job: Student/Princess
    Skills: Knowledge (magic), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (trivia), Storytelling, Performing, Etiquette, Seduction (learned by doing the exact OPPOSITE the Guide told her to do), Bondag-Use Rope, Research, Reading
    Guiding Element Of Harmony: Kindness

    Effects: Animate, Change, Create, Diminish
    Subjects: Body, Earth, Illusion, Plants, Force

    Sample Tricks: Plant Bondage (Change+Plants), Teleport (Animate+Body), Celestial Wings (Change+Body), Build Structure (Create+Earth), Gender Change (Change+Body)

    So, in the end, instead of doing anything super complex, I just went with giving Midnight a Mare level of points, and then added two, to give her Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3. Apart from that, does everything look okay? I also thought about giving her special rules for Nightmare, but I dunno what would work with that.

    I haven't made Pony Tales yet, it's a little more complex looking.


    "Only four hundred years? Oh, you're still a youngling compared to me. We're both a lot older than Midsy here."

    She smiles, looking down at their shared body.

    "Funny, though. She's a lot wiser and has a better head on her shoulders than I do. With age doesn't necessarily come wisdom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Fox View Post
    Midnight and Rarity
    The mare cast her eyes to the side as her newfound companion began to lavish her with compliment after compliment, she could feel her heart pounding within her chest. She knew somewhere deep down that this was just little Midnight being little Midnight, doing everything within her power to make her Aunt Rarity happy. Just like she did when she was a child. She was still that same Midnight.

    But it was becoming a smaller and smaller thought, and with each and every kind word and gesture that feeling slowly sank, and the excitement and happiness that had bubbled up to the surface during the earliest parts of the gala; laying eyes on Blueblood, their first words, the tension in the air... those feelings were slowly returning. It was donning on Rarity that the stallion in front of her truly was a prince, and regardless of his motivations, he truly did intend to allow her the night she never received; the night she thought she would never see.

    His lips upon hers made her entire body melt, her heart skip a beat, and for a moment the world melted away. That kiss sealed the deal.

    "O...Oh my..." She barely found herself able to breathe, the words rolling from her muzzle like water from a tap, before she suddenly realized that she was in the presence of royalty, and by Celestia she would act like it.

    *Ahem* "Erm, yes. I assure you, my dear prince, I look forward to this evening with the utmost ardor." A small smile curled to the corners of her face. Yes, impress him with speech, show him that you are indeed the type of lady that deserves such lavish attentions, such caring words.

    She had every intention to make this her best night ever.
    Midnight and Rarity

    *Midnight felt his heart patter excitedly in his chest. He had, of course, been told the story of how Blueblood had treated Rarity so long ago at the Gala, before she was even born. That was only compounded by her own interactions with the arrogant stallion, and his less terrible, but still misguided, son. It had always rankled at him, how Rarity had been treated, how her dream had been so cruelly shattered.

    Midnight was all about second chances, and dreams. He wanted to give this to Rarity. But it was more than just that, now. The tension in the air, the interplay between the younger Prince and his older, but still gorgeous, Lady. It was more than just the game now. The gentle teasing she had intended to catch Rarity off-guard had now started them down on this more serious path.

    His kiss hadn't just made Rarity's heart skip a beat, it had done the same to him.

    His body was filling with warmth, from his hooves, to his cheeks, which began to blush the same lovely pink that Rarity had, the pink of two ponies experiencing the first moments of passion.

    He smiled, as Rarity spoke, and nodded slowly, before bowing low to Rarity.

    "Of course, my dear Lady. I shall take my leave, and allow you to prepare for this evening, whilst I do the same."

    He made a mental note to quickly read up on formal fashions for stallions. After all, it wouldn't do to take Rarity, of all ponies, on a date dressed unfashionably.

    After all, he wanted to make this her best night ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Fox View Post
    Pardon me for one moment. It just sunk in that I am RPing with my favorite writer in the fandom. Allow me to channel my inner Rainbow Dash for a second here...



    Alright. I'm good now.
    And now it's my turn to blush.
    Last edited by EsperDerek; 2011-10-10 at 09:35 PM.