Now that is creepy. Very creepy.

Now, for a story of my own:

While walking home from school, I usualy pass through a wooded area near my house. While the woods are not very deep, the trees are all quite old.
Anyway, as I was going down the path I saw what appered to be a very short person in black in the middle of the road, all hunched over. Only after walking closer to it did I relise it was a bloated black bird, with missing paches of feathers and a wicked beak! I waited for it to waddle off, but it stood in the same spot for at least 10-15 min. before it left.

What is weird about this bird is that while it had the same body shape of somthing like a bluebird or crow, it was at least three feet tall! Not only that, it is still a bit unerving to me because it did not look like it was frighted by me at all, which is very odd considering the local wildlife.