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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3


    Though he doesn't show it the words do ring in his ears as he hears them over and over again. It wasn't the fact that he called him a moron but the way he said it. It wasn't malicious or even teasing, he was just stating a fact. However he also gave him advice. Jiro could tell that even though he didn't say it directly he did want him to be better. For himself of the sake of others he could not tell, but for now it was enough. At least he generally cared somewhat, rather than just tolerating him. Then he had to go and rub it in his face that he as about to fight a Captain. Oh what he wouldn't give to waste that bastards smug ass he thought as his eyebrow developed a slight twitch. He then smiles as he says, "Heh, maybe so. Well then I just have to get better and smarter don't I. Even if you are stronger than me now, I will surpass you and others. So go and have your fight with a taichou. But remember that I'll be waiting in the wings. Ya got that pal?" Tachi-chan just smiles as she feels how Jiro really feels. "You couldn't have just told the man thank you Jiro? And your right we will get stronger, together. However you are going to have to slowdown on the suicidal challenges and training regimens. If you use the one I made we could get more done. And don't you start about how you don't like meditation, I think it would do you some good. As a matter of fact.." She goes on like this for a while until Jiro finally tunes her out.
    Last edited by AnimeKid; 2011-10-12 at 09:50 AM.