Hearing the arrival of the other Captain she listens to his words. She nods, "Yes sir." She says before turning and bowing to her own Captain, the Commander-General. "It was good seeing you, sir." She said with a bow as she walked away from the training grounds. She glanced back over her shoulder wondering what the meeting was about, but knowing better than to try and listen in on two Captains. She let out a sigh as she walked away her mind racing and trying to figure it out. One of the perks of first division was she was sometimes allowed in meetings to record them, but this one clearly wasn't one of those.

As she left the training grounds she tried to consider what to do. She was tired, but the last thing she wanted to do was go to sleep. She knew it weakened her, but always tried to stay up as long as possible. Maybe she'd ask the twelfth guy if they had some kinda energy thing to help her stay awake longer.

Quickly she glanced around for Yoshi and ran over to him. "Hey ummmm not sure if you know me, I'm Orimoto from the First Division." She said. She actually hoped he didn't know her. The last thing she wanted was for him to know why she wanted the thing she was going to request, "Ummmm I'll be honest I don't know all the details behind what you guys create but do you have something that...how to describe it?" She thinks for a second, "Something that would help somebody stay awake longer and such?"