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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

    Quote Originally Posted by KnightDisciple View Post

    Masaru considers Jiro's haughty words with a slight frown.

    "It will take more than raw power and mindless determination to beat many opponents, Officer Jiro. It will take a tactical mind, finely honed skill, and most of all, experience. Do not think your bluster can impress everyone. We are impressed by results, not words. Keep that in mind."

    These words echo throughout his head as he politely nods to Yoshi at the declination and he walks away to find another place to train. While he walks Tachi-chan speaks up, "So, that makes the 4th time this week that you have been told to beat it." she says light-halfheartedly as she tries to cheer him up. He stays silent as he keeps walking but eventually speaks up. "Hey, Tachi-chan, do you think their right? That all I am is raw power and mindless determination?. She thinks before she speaks up as she says, "Well that is certainly the way you seem, and you do act that way sometimes. There is more to you Jiro, but you have to actually show it. After all most people would never dream that you of all people could do Kido at all, let alone Hado #33. Even then, it was that 'mindless determination' of yours that allowed you to master it. When you kept showing up at the 4th division with unexplainable burns you kept at it. imagine what you could accomplish if you applied you mind a bit more. Don't get me wrong your no 12th division shinigami (insert a growl from Jiro here), but you van learn a bit more and apply your mind more." Jiro sighs as he says, "Alright I'll give you that, so lets go train! First up (shudder) meditation." Tachi-chan gasps in happiness as he is finally following her advice.

    40 minutes later

    Jiro is sitting cross legged under a waterfall (does the Soul Society have one?) with just his pants on as he tries to clear his mind, his eyebrows twitching the entire time. A scream then rings across the Soul Society, "THIS IS TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!"
    Last edited by AnimeKid; 2011-10-12 at 09:58 PM.