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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

    Quote Originally Posted by KnightDisciple View Post

    "Ignorance is no excuse for insult, Jiro. After all, one can always always ask what we are working on in 12th. We will answer when possible, assuming a project is not classified. This isn't just about "doing things differently".

    As for "seeing what she's capable of", not today. I'm not sure why she was left to wander around like this. No offense, HECATE-san, but I'd like one of us to stick with you for at least a few days as you go out and about Soul Society. But no sparring today. I'd rather not have to file a report on why a single-digit officer of 11th is so badly burned. I'm paper-worked-out.

    His tone was calm and detached as he spoke. He turned to the robotic girl.

    "Please return to 12th Division for the moment, HECATE-san. I have a couple of short pieces of business to attend to."

    First, he sends a Hell Butterfly to Goro.

    Officer Goro, I apologize if I stepped on any toes back there regarding the Zaraki patrol. I admit to not exactly understanding the premise of said patrol; I volunteered HECATE's services both to give her field experience in a semi-controlled situation, and to help foster cooperation between Divisions.

    If there are any resources you think 12th Division can reasonably provide, please let me know.

    He then turned to face Orimoto, and made a "walk with me" gesture as he exited the training ground, HECATE hopefully in tow.
    "As I was being transported to Kazuo, I awoke midway, and deemed my restraints unnecessary."

    Several miles away, the two members of Twelfth who had been carrying HECATE were still staring at the melted slab of metal they had been using, confused.

    "I will follow you to return to my station, as is indicated in the HECATE Protocols: "That Bloody Robot Vanished Again!""

    She follows Yoshi off the training grounds.
    Last edited by Terry576; 2011-10-13 at 05:57 AM.
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