Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Yes but how many of them have what looks like hair sticking out of the back?

And don't tell me it's too weird for this comic to have someone shown as imperium working with golden-armored eldar

Why did you arrange the speech balloons to be read from (i think) right to left AND have the left balloons higher?

Also: is it true in 40K lore that the emperor says one word every something-ish years or did you make that up for your comic whose number i can't remember now? I can't find anything to corroborate that his physical body speaks =/
1) Good point. They're still Custodes though.
2) Take a look at this. Would you believe me if I said this was canon? Because it totally is. Will there be wierd stuff in my comic? You bet there will. But that doesn't mean reality can't be stranger than fiction.
3) Depends on how crowded the particular panel is. Rule of thumb: It's usually left to right and/or top to bottom.
4) I read somewhere (I can't remember where) that he physically says something once every 10,000 years. Since he's only been on the shiny chair for 10,000 years and he's apparently physically said a bunch of stuff, I was all ಠ_ಠ. So now it's every "Whenever The Emperasqueor feels like it. Of course, he also regularly communicates through the Emperor's Tarot as well.

Also, if you didn't notice, one of the custodians is a kobold.

Comic 464 is up. Rand vs A Custodian

Questions? Comments? Critique?