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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Major View Post
    Orimoto walks over to the desk clerk and nods, "Hello there, I'm Orimoto Ranoue from First Division. I was sent over to check about some paperwork for future use." She says calmly. A little lie shouldn't be too bad, she was good at lying and most people didn't suspect her. Especially when she was in her current outfit and not in that stupid thing her Vice Captain insisted on them wearing. "Anyways, long story short First Division was considering testing some items from the Twelfth Division and they wanted me to make sure all the paperwork was able to get filed and gathered and all that." She says with a smile, "You know how it is with First Court, always with the need for paperwork." She says shaking her head.

    "Anyways, we just need someone from the Fourth Division to give a medical clearance that approves that their are no medical problems with testing a supplement to aid Shinigami in going prolonged periods without sleep. Think something like a super energy drink. So who exactly would I talk to for a signature?" She ask casually in order to keep up the charade that she had actually be sent and was on official business. What people didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
    The clerk returns the empty check-in sheet back to its tray with a mixture of relief and anxiety and less relief given the later barrage of information. Replying in a dry monotone, the 4th division member hands in another form. "Our Vice Captain is not back yet, so you may direct your intentions to this form and the Captain will pick it up during her rounds here in about ten minutes time. Or if you prefer to wait, I could notify her and she will see you directly in her consultation room. If you want to wait, I will give you a number card and you can wait for your turn."
    Last edited by Nicklance; 2011-10-14 at 11:55 AM.
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