Quote Originally Posted by KnightDisciple View Post
Nominally speaking, Captain applicants are passed by Central 5 for approval, if they come up.

If someone applies for a Captain's position, it would be helpful if we could be sure they would be around and at least somewhat active for a while.
I know in the past I wasn't very reliable in that respect. But my situation has changed, and I find myself with a lot of free time. I recalled my good times on this forum, and decided I wanted to come back. For good this time.
Quote Originally Posted by Nicklance View Post
It is not very up to date, Callos' Aki is the 4th Division VC.

But ask around, I think there are some VC positions not filled yet, though don't abandon your 10th Division character, we need that manpower :D
Oh, I wasn't going to abandon my character, just move him. I haven't been on in so long, his position is being filled, or is about to be. I designed him with the power level of a VC, or maybe even a Captain, and I was hoping to leave him that way, even though that might not be possible.