"What the blazes do you men think you are doing?" The voice of Captain Alizandru Kovack booms as he strides across the deck. Kovack is a tall man with a mane of black hair flowing from under his tricorn hat. His beard is well-kept, and he has a false gold tooth in place on one of his molars.

"There's a storm coming up, and you men are drunk out of your wits?" he belows, as if hoping the volume of his voice will drive the alcohol from his crew.

"Shorry shir," Eidan says, rather boldly for one so chastised. "We're fit for action, sir, fit for any shtorm!" Next to him, the man named Duan takes a step forwards, making to salute the Captain, before stumbling over.

Kovack turns to the assembled group of passengers next. "As you heard, there's a storm brewing," he says grimly, pointing towards the horizon, where a dark mass of clouds can be seen hanging over Desperation Bay. "I suggest you get below deck. Even without these idiots, this storm shouldn't be of much concern."

The passengers begin filing off the deck, with Gelik dramatically bemoaning being forced below. Reassembling in the mess, the voice of Rambar Terillo, the Jenivere's cook, calls out, "dinner - five minutes."

"So how about that game now," Aerys suggests once everyone is seated. "Gelik, I still need to teach you a lesson."

"Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting," a voice says quietly from the door. It is Ieana, the Varisian scholar, a rare sight outside of her cabin. She is short with curly brown hair and a button nose, pretty in a mousy sort of way.

"Come and join us!" Sasha says happily. "We hardly ever get to see you."

"Oh no," Ieana replies, looking startled by the prospect. "I don't play cards. No, I wanted to ask you all something. You know I am a scholar... my research is on ancient ruins, pre-Starfall ruins. You all - well, you seem, er, capable. I was wondering... you may have plans already, it's not a demand... but when we get to Eledar, if any of you would agree to accompany me inland. There's a particular ruin I'm searching for," she says eagerly. "Please think it over."