Quote Originally Posted by Zylan View Post
Walking at a slow, clearly tired pace, Diamond Heart finally entered the town of Bridle Shores. The journey had been longer and wearier than expected, but she'd made it. And with few setbacks, even. Her luck so far was remarkable, and she silently hoped she wouldn't run out now.

Stopping just inside the entrance to the town, she turned her head this way and that, taking in her new surroundings. It looked very much like how she'd pictured it from her grandfather's description, and she found herself quite relieved. Utterly oblivious to the busy goings-on of the other ponies and the supposedly usual strange happenings of Bridle Shores, Diamond adjusted her tan suede saddlebags and set off in search of a welcome center, or an inn, or at least just a pony who could point her in a useful direction.
Well, the Icy was too caught up on her own thoughts to noticed she was on a collision course with this newcomer. The two collided into each other with a bump. Icy being the smaller one (and physically still aged to a filly), she was knocked to the ground, landing on her rump.

"Ouch... apologies..." Icy said, rubbing her head where she bumped into the newcomer. The icy filly was still too dazed to realise she was dealing with a newcomer.