Orimoto pauses for a moment quickly thinking. "The paperwork was meant to be written out by me once we reached an agreement on all details, due to the nature of what needed to be contained in it." She quicky explains what she meant, "I had just spoken with Yoshi from 12th Division and he stated they would need paperwork stating any people testing the supplement wouldn't be at a health risk and also get the acceptable and healthy parameters for such a supplement before they began working on it. As such the paperwork couldn't be established until we knew what those parameters would be. As First Division myself, I am capable of writing out forms and waivers." She stated. At least that much was the truth she thought. Hopefully she could still get this working. As she tried to think of what else to add she started thinking about how dumb an idea this had been. She hadn't been expecting to talk with a Captain, perhaps bailing out would be a good idea before it got worse. "So that was the main reason for the need for paperwork. First also needs copies due to keeping track of that." She states, "However, if you already have medical test saying it isn't healthy, than we really wouldn't be able to get such a thing since that is what the paperwork was for." She says with a nod, "So I guess that would be all that was needed". She gives another polite bow, "I thank you for your time though." She says with a smile. "Since I have the answer to return to Commander General and Vice Captain Yammato, may I be dismissed?"