Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Sorry about that, by the way, Topaz. I like the idea, but it doesn't jive with the kind of game I want to run. Totally stealing the layout for other games though. It's rather functional, and a nice version of the roll/keep mechanic.
Not at all. I thought it did some clever things and wanted to give you a chance to look at it, but I understand why it's not a good choice for PbP.

Let me know if you want graphics of the character sheet or any other illustration.
Quote Originally Posted by Athaniar View Post
On a side note, Windows Movie Maker (2.6, on Windows 7) hates me (and humanity in general, I suspect, it's like a proto-Skynet). My attempt to set an anime intro song to ponies fails when I try to save it as a movie ("Windows Movie Maker cannot save the movie to the specified location" and so on). Apparently this is common. Sigh. When I finally managed to make something, it won't save properly...
If you decide you want to change video editors, you might want to take a look at the open source program Avidemux.
Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Fox View Post
Nope. Mule is the sexless version of a horse. A pony is a subspecies of horse that generally come to about half the size of a full grown. (1/3 the size of a draft horse.)
Wait, what? A Mule is a (male) cross between a horse and a donkey (a female is a hinny).

The sexless version of a horse would be a gelding (which is a word that I'm fairly confident will never appear in an actual episode).
Quote Originally Posted by Capt. Ido Nos View Post
All of the crazy twi avatars are incredible disconcerting, by the way.
Wait a week, and we'll all have spooky Luna avatars.

Fic note: I'm working on the next chunk of Change of Life. Maybe post tonight.