Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
Oh? You mean it is so...


Darling, I do have some standards, though, if you call beforehoof, maybe I can try to fix this... little issue for you.

Though, maybe you should try Fluttershy first. I'm sure she has more experience dealing with... petit... roosters than I do.

Trixie, are you okay? Roosters are not lemons. Lemons are lemons. Roosters are not fruity. They taste like chicken. Lemons do not taste like chicken. Lemons taste like lemons. Lemons are round and yellow and slightly tufty at the edges. Roosters are spiky and red-orange-barnyard and poky at the edges. Only a madpony would confuse lemons and roosters, unless it was really dark and the lemon had feathers taped to it and tried to attack your face when you tried to run off with it so that you could eat it in the forest not that I'm saying I do that of course that's a nasty racial stereotype of us vulpines we eat other things than chickens you know and anyway why would we want to eat roosters we like lemons even though lemons are kind of sour and when I say kind of sour I mean really really sour.

When I say that you will eat the lemon of my hatred, I do not mean that I intend to duct tape a lemon to a rooster and make you eat it. I mean simply that: that you will feel the sour, flammable power of my vengeance. The lemon of my vengeance is, in fact, nuclear-powered and capable of burning entire neighborhoods to the ground. This is the kind of mad genius you have slighted, Trixie - who else would dare use lemons as a weapon of war? AHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! AHAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAA!

"I think you broke him again, Trixie. There's something in his brain that just goes *snap* when confronted with cheesy innuendo, you know?

Oh Celestia he's getting into the fruitseller's wagon again stop him before he creates a cantaloupe cannon-"