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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice XX: One X Short of an Awesome Title

    This thread isn't just ffor romantic relationship stuff, right? Is friend stuff good for this thread too, or is the PWaA thread better?

    One of my best friends just started completely ignoring me a day or so ago and only talking the bare minumum. At time,s he'll forget about it and start acting normal again, cracking jokes and whatnot, but this only lasts for a minute or so he completely ignores me or only says what he needs to (e.g for group work). We've been friends since grade eight, and we've pulled some pretty big **** moves on one another over time, but usually we work it out or just get mad at one another for a while. I've asked him about and he just ignored me. When I asked again, he started walking in the opposite direction. He's not usually like this, I've never got a reaction like this from him from anything (he's usually a direct and confrontational person) and I really can't think of what I did to aggravate him.

    @ My usual response to guys doing stuff like that is ''Leave her alone if you know what's good for you'' (except with more swearing and or threats depending on the situation), but that's because I'm sort of overprotective of my friends and way too gutsy for my own good (I know martial arts, but I'm 5'2'' and extremely thin, so I probably shouldn't pick too many fights).

    Has your friend told him to leave her alone? If not, is it because she's too shy/has trouble with these things? I know a girl who has extreme problems telling guys to get lost and most of them don't even know she's against them making a move when they make one (a result of some trauma in her past). She needs friends around to help her speak up and it took me hours of pressing to get her to admit that this guy who kept asking her for sex and whatnot (which she refused) wasn't just joking around and that just being her personality and a while more to get her to delete him from her phone, block him on social networking, etc. despite that fact that she had admitted that she wanted him to leave her alone near the very beginning and even said he was somewhat creepy. Done with my rant now, my point is that, if the guy doesn't know that she doesn't like him (people are oblivious like that), perhaps you should go easy on him at first. Once you've warned him ,though...
    Last edited by Lord Loss; 2011-10-21 at 07:45 PM.
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