Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
So. Just played two games with Tank'Gath(considering trying Jungle'Gath after I buy him and/or the runes for it). The first went well, but the second...not so much. I feel like I wasn't tanky enough by the end, but I don't know if that's just me, or....

So, what lategame Tank'Gath builds would you recomment? Mine was: Boots of Speed(needed in that game due to really really fast-moving enemies), Rod of Ages(got it early game, unsure about replacing it), Force of Nature, Guardian Angel, Hexdrinker and Warmog's(got it about 5 minutes before the game ended...). This seems to be a pretty good build, I'm just wondering if it can be improved. I think GA might be going, because reviving at such low HP doesn't really help me late game, as I generally die surrounded by enemies.
As a semi-frequent Cho player (Jungle Cho is fun), I'd recommend swapping Hexdrinker and Warmog's for Frozen Heart and Banshee's Veil; CDR and Armor would help that build, and the spell shield is handy. Guardian's is fine as long as you don't die surrounded by enemies and your team can pick at least one enemy off in exchange for your "death." It can save you some feast stacks, and if you get your armor and magic resistance high enough you'll still have some tankiness even with the lowish health. You generally also want to go with Mercury's Treads, but you already noted why you didn't on that.