Quote Originally Posted by Gusion View Post
I... don't even know what half of that is intended to mean. Regardless, I do have a job and don't play all day on the Internet.

It really depends on his Malack's actual level. If he is level 15+ (which I maintain he really must be), I'd start with a dimensional lock. He could even follow it with a quickened sending to inform Tarquin.
Sending: Casting Time: 10 minutes
Quicken: A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full round action cannot be quickened.

And if he's level 15 (Cleric +2 RHD +1 LA for an effective character level of 18 assuming he's a lizard folk) then he's got 3 or so level 8 slots assuming 26+ wisdom (and one of those is a domain slot). What are the odds he has an appropriate quickened level 4 spell? Seriously? Casters use their highest slots for high level spells, it's the level 6-7 slots that hold quickened utility spells for a level 15 caster.

He needs to be effective character level EPIC for it to be really plausible that he's wasting level 8 or higher slots on quickened spells.

The people who CLAIM there's a better tactic are CONSISTENT about suggesting things that are outright impossible, violations of the rules, or FAR less effective, and then claiming it's a joke.

If you SERIOUSLY think there's a better tactic then suggest it. As is the claimants that there's a better tactic are so consistent about claiming that the REST of their posts are jokes that I believe that the claim itself is a joke, and a poor one at that.

Yes, there are better ways to kill someone, but not many and none that don't use noticably higher level spells or require special preparation.

Dimensional Anchor? Nale dispels and Sabine plane shifts or flies them both. How good! At least its good for Nale. A method which needs a touch attack AND Nale to fail a caster check or it has no chance at all instead of a 90% chance of dead. Quickened Dimentional Anchor + Destruction is an 8th level slot and a 7th level slot for about as good a chance as what Malack did with two sixth level slots.

Is there a point to that sort of stunt other than trying to waste higher level slots for less effect?

Even given a dimentional anchor, that's another touch attack, it's just as likely to miss as the inflict, and inflict results in DEAD Nale while DA results in Nale unhurt and able to escape in any of half a dozen plausible ways.