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    Troll in the Playground

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    Austin, Texas

    Default Re: League of Legends XXIV: Today's Noob Strat, Tomorrow's New Meta

    Quote Originally Posted by Math_Mage View Post
    Also they have Jatt, who played in the Canada qualifier and so isn't eligible to play in the US qualifier, but he's playing anyway.

    To be honest, I like the NA and CA teams more than the pro teams they come from; Dyrus/Regi/Chauster/Saint/Xpecial puts all the "it's cool kids, come at me bro" types on one team, and Hotshot/jiji/OddOne/ChaoX/[whoever the 5th is] puts all the high-strung genius types on one team.
    Its elementz.

    Xpecial doesn't fit on the NA team, him and Chauster are the calm ones who keep Regi from imploding in the desire to get first blood, Dyrus from imploding because he doesn't give a ****, and saint from imploding because... i dunno, he's saint.

    But wow, those games were intense.

    edit: WCG will be hard though. Dunno who's come from Germany, but I'm sure the French team will be good (between Sypher and M...). The Chinese team will be good, and the Korean team will probably be good as well. Not to mention the Canadian team...

    i'll have to see brackets before I make any assumptions about who will win.
    Last edited by toasty; 2011-10-24 at 01:50 AM.